A popular apologetic idea is that creation is not-fathomable, but mysterious. Thus there must be a God. - The easy response to this is 'we'll figure it out' thus God-of-the-gaps philosophy comes in, academia fills in the gaps and squeezes God out of the picture. Needless to say its not a very good apologetic to start with. The apologetic should run, creation is fathomable, thus God is not, therefore God *is* God.
The very mystery of life itself is not that its mysterious, but that it is fathomable. Its fathomable because it is revealed. A revelation from the divine creator. In every hum and whistle, branch and bark there is the imprint of the eternal attributes of God. Mystery does not stop with creation (nor ideally should it start there), the magni-finitude of creation all bears the fingerprints of the magni-infinitude of another, and thats where mystery exists in its true form; the being, nature, person, and character of God.
Creation (contra to popular belief) is exhaustible, because its exists in time and space, it has bounds and contexts. It of course is not exhaustible or even attainable apart from revelation, but the fact remains that all is revelation. God however is not created, all things were made through him, thus, He is not made.
This is what sets Christianity apart from all other eastern religion, and new-age westernism. We don't stop at creation. As much as life, and essence flows through all things and connects all things, that is not an impersonal 'Soul of the World.' The very essence is not creation itself - it is creator. Behind every finite piece, there is infinite person. The eternal God.
Fascinating piece, I'm still absorbing it, but I do have one comment right off the bat: Have you ever thought about the fact that the "god of the gaps" notion is only actually a problem if those gaps are fillable by human endeavors? What if, as I think is actually much more likely, no matter how much gap we fill in, we will always find there's more we don't understand yet and perhaps didn't even realize was knowable before? In that scenario, the god of the gaps is just a fact of how we perceive the universe because we are finite, and filling in those gaps, conquering their mysteries doesn't have to be a quest to run away from god, but can be instead a quest to grow and mature in the space that god has given us to do so. Think about the relationship between a parent and a young child, in a sense, the parent is "god of the gaps", and the child grows and conquers more and more of the space, and the parent encourages that. That example deviates from the situation with us and god in that the child eventually replaces the parent, but god is infinite, so the dynamic is different.
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